Pokémonster Manual: Dungeons & Dragons & Pokémon Mashup

Everyone has their own playstyle, but sometimes it feels like you’re playing the wrong game. Have you ever had that player who always wanted to try to tame every beast you came across? Do you treat the Pokémon games like a dungeon-crawling adventure where you explore every corner of the map, talk to each villager and complete all of the quests? Why not get the best of both worlds by combining your favorite Pokémon with the most iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters for a mashup that’s out of this realm? We found a selection of D&D beasts with uncannily similar appearances to some of our favorite Pokémon and combined them to make a new creature! Would you like to encounter one of these critters on your next adventure?
Displacer Beast & Espeon

Owlbear & Decidueye

Gelatinous Cube & Muk

Beholder & Unown

Mind Flayer & Tentacruel

Tarrasque & Rhyperior

Rust Monster & Pinsir

Mimic & Ditto

Originally published at https://www.fun.com.