The 10 Most Unexpected Saw References in TV and Film
We didn't realize it when the first Saw film was released, but the horror franchise would have an enormous impact on the entertainment industry. The villain was largely ambiguous while events slowly unfolded, revealing layers of plot that were all occurring at roughly the same time. These techniques and other nuances vaulted Saw into stardom. At the same time, its impact also led to a number of parodies. Naturally, we saw references to Saw in movies like Scary Movie 4 and Insidious, but its influence reached some far corners of pop culture-corners that you might not expect! In no particular order, we'll share some of our favorite Saw references.
1. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Saw Game
In a case of sitcoms gone Saw, we have It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In "Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo", the main gang attempts to pitch their original board game idea to businessman Andy from Mattel. However, the game spirals out of control and ends up with Frank forcing everyone to play a Saw-like game in the bar's basement. We later find out that Andy isn't even a board game executive, and Frank is simply taking things too far so he can win.
2. Gintama's Shinsengumi Death Game Arc
The influence of Saw has gone well beyond Western media! In the anime series Gintama, there was a two-episode Saw arc named the "Shinsengumi Death Game Arc", from episodes 148–149. Of course, being Gintama, it was entirely parodied, complete with the villain's mom checking in on him while he was broadcasting to his victims. In the arc, Hijikata and Sougo of the Shinsengumi special police force are chained together in a "Neck Tie Trap", from which they must escape.
3. Glee Sue Puppet
Glee is a show about a high school show choir, so a reference to Saw would seem unexpected. (Think again!) In “The Hurt Locker: Part 2”, Kurt and Blaine are trapped in a fake elevator and confronted by a creepy puppet resembling Principal Sue Sylvester. Through the puppet, they are told that they must kiss passionately to be released because Sue wants the two students to reconcile. This being a TV series and not real life, Sue gets away with pulling such a terrible (and illegal) stunt.
4. Dwight as Billy the Puppet in The Office
The Office TV series is well-known for its Halloween episodes. In the cold open for "Koi Pond", we see Dwight dressed as Billy the Puppet from the Saw franchise, complete with an adult-sized tricycle. While the scene aired in 2009, it was quickly scrubbed from future broadcasts due to some off-color shenanigans from Michael. While it's a neat morsel of trivia now, you will not find this portion of the episode in your The Office DVD collection.
5. The Fairly OddParents Saw Episode
While Cosmo and Wanda enjoy a French dinner together, Chloe babysits for Timmy and Poof in "Certifiable Super Siter". However, it escalates into a battle of the babysitters when Vicky realizes that Timmy is being babysat by someone else! Timmy and Chloe end up in a basement where they have to complete various tasks, such as running on a treadmill floor and picking up garbage. This reference to Saw is quite direct for a children's show, complete with a giant TV screen with Vicky wearing Billy the Puppet facepaint!
6. The Simpsons Sever V
You know you made it big when you end up as a parody in The Simpsons! In "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?" Bart Simpson goes to some extreme lengths to obtain a brother. He eventually finds a child from the orphanage who tags along, and Bart does his best to do brotherly activities with him. However, he realizes that he needs to act responsibly after taking the child to Sever V, a clear parody of Saw V. Interestingly enough, there is yet another Saw reference in The Simpsons, in the episode “Wedding for Disaster”. Homer gets kidnapped by Patty and Selma Saw-style, where he has to eat a key out of a lollipop made with hot sauce.
7. MacGyver Saw Episode
Famous out-of-the-box problem solver MacGyver ends up in a Saw-like situation in "Mac + Fallout + Jack", in the 2016 remake series of MacGyver. In true Mac form, they cook up some thermite in an attempt to get through their chains. (Honestly, he'd be a good pick for making a clean escape!) They manage to turn the tables and the villain is captured.
8. The Venture Bros. Saw Episode
It would seem that parody and comedy TV series really love Saw! In The Venture Bros. episode "Red Means Stop", villains Maestro Wave and The Termite are held prisoner in a bathroom in Morpho Cave. Apparently, The Monarch was unaware that the cave lair has a restroom, and he reprimands Henchman 21 for not telling him about it. Unfortunately for Maestro Wave and The Termite, this episode was their first and last official appearance.
9. Rick and Morty Saw Episode
A drunk Rick sets up a trap for The Vindicators in "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender", which they must navigate in order to escape alive. Interestingly enough, Rick and Morty are also trapped along with them! There is also a puzzle specific to each of the Vindicators characters, in true Saw fashion. (In general, Saw has traps specific to each of the victims and their shortcomings.) Along with this episode being a very direct Saw parody, it also has several superhero references.
10. 30 Rock "I Heart Connecticut”
Saw in the sitcoms strike again! In an episode of 30 Rock titled "I Heart Connecticut", Jenna Maroney gets a part in an upcoming horror movie, Take My Hand. Things take a turn for the bizarre as Jack attempts to make the film profitable. For example, Walmart is taken on as a sponsor, and the plot is re-written to become family-friendly. Of course, events unfold in a way befitting of 30 Rock.
We may be stopping at ten unique Saw crossovers, but there are quite a few references that deserve honorable mentions! The reality show Scream Queens had Tanedra Howard as its winner in season 1, who went on to play Simone Bethson in Saw VI and Saw 3D. Gabby West was the winner of Season 2, and she was also featured in Saw 3D. Beyond the world of TV and film, quite a few video games have Saw content, including parody movie Pach-Saw in Persona 5 and character skins in Dead by Daylight. With the impact of the Saw franchise still going strong, we only expect to see more parodies and shout-outs in the future.
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